consulting team

We coordinate qualified expert knowledge for you in different areas to have a broad knowledge base at your disposal. Depending on the customer’s task, the appropriate project team is put together. Here is each individual specialist in his field.

Our core team of specialists is based of engineers, business economists, economists, finance economists and IT specialists which are supported by technician and commercial assistants from back office.

All consultants at em.con offer several years of line-management experience, diverse methodological skills and extensive management and consulting experience in various fields.

Our consultants are forceful in implementation of projects including in an agile environment and in effective change of processes and structures. We always have an eye for details with an eye for the big picture.

We work in a team together with our customers’ employees. In addition to our consultants, QM consultants, technology consultants, HR consultants, IT consultants, jurists, risk management consultants and freelance specialists can also be involved in the project.

Our partnership-based network secures project-related expertise and the provision of resources if required. The network partners work on behalf of em.con as well as on their own account and in their own name. We stand for the overall coordination.

Our good connection to IHKs, HWKs and trade associations always guarantees the latest benchmarks and business news.